The Rare and Exotic Stingless bee honey – "Mother of Medicine" from Wild honey hunters

 Stingless Bee:

The Indian Stingless bees also called as Dammer bees are one of the world’s smallest and rarest honey bee colonies. A hundreds of species are identified under the stingless bee genus. They are small in size without sting. Stingless bees are more efficient in pollinating small medicinal flowers because of its small structure. Just like all other honey bees, the stingless bees also effectively support the ecological system.

Stingless bee honey- Is Stingless bee honey better? - What is Stingless honey?

Small medicinal flowers are the source of Stingless bee honey. The bees store honey in a pot shaped structures made with a substance called propolis and cerumen. Propolis is naturally resinous and a waxy material. Cerumen is similar to propolis summed up with the mandibular secretion by stingless bees during the construction.

 The cerumen is a storage pot of honey which involves in ensuring it is sterile and then propolis is used in internal lining and also for sealing the extra spaces. The cerumen helps to enrich the quality of honey making it to stand apart from other honey varieties as distinctive and highly nutritious

It is known as “Mother of medicine”. The honey is easily identifiable for its dark texture and it has lighter to thick consistency based on the moisture in the environment. It is the one and only sour and sweet tasting honey. There are evidences of its presence and usage in medicine from the ancient times and are known to be preserved for hundreds of years.

Medicinal benefits of Stingless bee honey or what is Stingless bee honey good for?

It offers more health benefits some of the notable benefits are discussed below

 Mother of medicine:

Stingless bee honey is often referred to as “Mother of Medicine” or the “Mother Medicine” due to its high healing properties for various diseases and very high nutrient contents. It has recorded its presence over millions of years offering a wide range of combined medicinal benefits. It is said that people who consume it on regular basis receives  broad spectrum of benefits from its anti-oxidant, anti-biotic, anti- inflammatory, anti-fungal and then a stronger anti-microbial properties. Certain studies also states that it helps in treating various infections and also heals wound. Other studies suggest it helps to prevent from the risk of cancer

Diabetics medicine - Is stingless bee honey good for Diabetics?

It is low in glycemic value and anti-diabetic in nature with its enzyme inhibiting ability.

Amylase and glucosidase are the two enzymes which are involved in elevation of blood glucose levels moreover; Stingless bee honey inhibits the enzymes by which it controls the diabetics

Anti- Microbial-Wound healing:

Stingless bee honey helps in treating microbes hence acts as an effective wound healing medicine. It also acts as a cell regeneration agent. 

It also strengthen the immunity system and making it to act as a natural barrier

Fights Ocular diseases:

Stingless bee honey treats eye diseases

Regular usage helps in treating all kind of Ocular diseases.

Solves Fertility issues:

Fertility issue - A common problem faced by many people now a day. Stingless bee honey can be used in treating it in both the genders. 

It treats the hormone related issues causing infertility


An anti-oxidant stops the process of cell damage and then protecting our cells from damage

It is also a remedy for high fever, treatment for wounds and burns.

Treating cancer causing agents:

It acts as medicine to treat cancer causing cells 

Considered to reduce the risk of cancer development

Strengthen the digestive secretions:

Digestive secretions help to gather the required nutrition from food we consume to our body.

Stingless bee honey helps in strengthening the digestive secretions and making our internal systems healthier

Gastric health:

It helps in maintaining a good gastric system enhancing the functions and obviously aids in solving the digestive related problems

It also treats the diarrhea and dysentery.

Have the highly medicinal Stingless bee honey to make your day great

Live a healthy life!!!

Thank you!!!

Explore more about Stingless bee honey through below link

Stingless bee honey-Wild honey hunters

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