A Short Guide to Buying the Best Jamun Honey Online

 Jamun trees are indigenous to India. Their fruits, also known as the Indian blackberry, are highly sought-after in India for their taste and their medicinal value that includes a rich source of iron. Even their seeds are widely used in India to control diabetes. When the small, sweet-smelling flowers that grow on Jamun trees start to bloom, the honeybees began to forage on them. They collect the nectar that is turned into exquisite 100% natural forest honey. But just like the fruit itself, Jamun honey is one of the very few varieties that tastes a little bitter while retaining that distinct sweetness. It also has a darker color with a rich aroma of Jamun.

Many people use Jamun honey as their preferred substitute for sugar since it provides that delicate balance in taste.


Where is the best Jamun honey found?

The western ghats range in south India is one of the best sources of pure Jamun honey in the world. The trees that grow there have the advantage of being in a rich biosphere, which means the forest soil provides them with rich nutrients. In turn, Jamun honey is filled with several treasured ingredients such as:

  • High iron content
  • Minerals-rich
  • Vitamin A and vitamin C
  • Natural cooling properties
  • Astringent properties

What can pure Jamun honey do for you?

With all these ingredients, is it any surprise that pure Jamun honey can help you maintain a healthier life? The low glycemic index level of this pure forest honey variety makes it popular among diabetic patients who, as earlier mentioned, can use it as a natural sweetener.

Some of the other benefits of Jamun honey include:

  • Improves hemoglobin content and oxygenates the overall blood supply 
  • Keeps oily skin smooth, fresh and acne-free
  • Helps heal eye infections 
  • Cures digestive problems
  • Relieves cough, cold and sore throats 
  • Reduce ulcers and other inflammations

How can you buy the best Jamun honey online?

Wild Honey Hunters offers pure Jamun honey that is unpasteurized, unfiltered, and unheated. It is unprocessed to make sure that all the natural properties of the honey are kept intact. We also only collect Jamun honey from wild and free-range hives. It means that we have to explore and navigate through densely wild areas in order to collect the honey. Despite the difficulty, we cross these tough terrains - thanks to our team of tribal honey gatherers for whom collecting forest honey is a way of life.

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